sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2011

Carte noua in vacanta pana pe 3 ianuarie / We will be back on the 3rd of January // CRACIUN FERICIT !

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Craciun fericit, lumina in suflete si liniste in minte!

ne intalnim cu un nou articol pe 3 ianuarie 2012....

joi, 22 decembrie 2011

The highway to success

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Teams are built in various environments. These environment matters as long as you build a project team. But you can control how the team integrates in the environment. I will speak about some items that are important in order to keep a certain group working like a team. Team have to refresh themselves, to adjust the progress and the results.
Let's characterize a team with the equation of a highway. I don't know all, but I consider the following items as important:

Team velocity - speed of progressing inside the team as average
Team map (where are the entry points and where are the exit points)
Entry points (how do you integrate a new team member)
Exit points (how team members leave your team)
Team acceleration (how quick you can increase the performance in short time for short term)

These are a few items I will speak about in 2012.

Stay tuned`!

miercuri, 21 decembrie 2011

Integrating error-detection techniques to find more bugs in embedded C software

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iPlan pentru toti

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iPlan este un program foarte reusit. Eusediu Margasoiu, Claudia Iacobuta si Cristian Negut au livrat un training foarte bun pentru intelegerea conceptelor de planificare strategica. Cateva concepte simple, legate de segmentarea pietei, fixarea unor obiective, decizii benefice pe termen lung care aduc pierderi in prima perioada si alte subiecte asemenea.
Am folosit Markstrat, un program de simulare a pietelor despre care am aflat ulterior o parere ce spune ca e foarte bine "marketat" in afara de valoarea lui intrinseca. Parerea mea e ca i-am folosit poate nici 10% din putere, dar mi-a oferit o mostra de software foarte util in procesele de invatare.
Mai mult, Cristian Negut este foarte eficient in a puncta informatiile relevante pentru crearea unui plan de dezvoltare personala. Am mai fost implicat in diverse ateliere, programe de dezvoltare personala si consider aceasta duminica pe care am petrecut-o impreuna cu Cristian una din cele mai bine "cheltuite" zile din viata mea.

In suma, daca aveti o pasiune pentru subiectul planificare strategica, daca va ajuta subiectul ori daca doriti sa cunoasteti oameni interesanti, inscrieti-va in program. Detalii sunt pe site, iar proiectul mi se pare foarte valoros si merge mana in mana cu viziunea initiatorilor (The Network) de a imbunatati calitatea planificarii strategice in Romania.
Daca doriti sa mai aflati si ce spun altii, va recomand postarea lui Claudiu Florea.

Planificare placuta....

Alta postare pe aceeasi tema: iPlan - planificare strategica

sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2011

iPlan - in desfasurare

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Sunt la Sinaia, pentru a participa la seminarul iPlan. Cateva impresii la cald.
Markstrat e un tool foarte complex, care faciliteaza invatarea principiilor invatarii strategice. E foarte interesant si are un nivel foarte profi.
Am aflat ca managerii romani cheltuie mai mult efort decat e cazul. Sa facem un pic mai mult decat e nevoie. Probabil ca e corelat cu productivitatea media a angajatilor in Romania : multe ore de lucru, mai putine rezultate.
Mai sunt circa 35 de seminarii similare, a cate 25 de participanti.
Cam atat.

marți, 13 decembrie 2011

Oportunitati pentru formare

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Ciprian Trandafirescu recomanda o serie de cursuri.

Mie mi-a placut cursul open tinut de Delia Andries "Coaching pentru manageri". Delia este unul dintre cei care tin cursuri in Evolutiv.
Mie mi-a deschis apetitul pentru subiectul coaching. Alain Cardon pare a fi "top influencer" in Romania.

luni, 12 decembrie 2011

E potrivit jobul la care aplici?

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Raspunde la o intrebare simpla:
As putea sa fac macar o zi jobul asta fara sa fiu platit?

Daca raspunsul este da, atunci e o alegere sigura.

duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Sports in business management

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As I wrote some days ago, I had the pleasure to meet my former coach during a business event.
He was invited to speak about sports, about the management of the handball teams he managed during last 20 years, leadership and so on. This has been organized like a Q&A session, having about 25 managers in the room.
I learned that in sports round about 75% of the success is conditioned about the inborn skills. Therefore, it is very important how it is made selection and the first training sessions. As a parallel, in team management, having the right guys on-board since the beginning, we maximize the chances of a successful team. This is particularly true for junior positions, where there is no successful track of achievements to be presented during an interview

Having this entry point secured, we discussed about what is important for a team (in sports, but not only). This is given by some boundary conditions (budget, history, "socios", other stake holders). We are not always in the position of Real Madrid, where budget is not an issue, we are not in the position of Manchester City (having one all mighty owner) and so on. Usually, the performance and ration performance vs cost is given by stability in management, concepts of training and promotion in the first team. I am making again a comparison with technical teams. You cannot get the ultimately best persons in the team, resources you can spend are limited and you don't have a single stakeholder to convince. Therefore, it is up to you, the team manager, to identify how to integrate a new team member, how to cover the gaps in terms of knowledge, to imagine a path to next level, in order to keep things under control. Otherwise, you might reach the situation of  Steaua Bucharest, who had more than 100 players in 4 years and only one trophy won in 6 years.

Usually, this is supported by an inclusive team culture, where mistakes are allowed if they were done based on good will. Hiper competition is ruining the team spirit and there is no prediction to indicate the level of performance for next level.

The other thing we spoke about, somehow related to culture is the style of playing. Barcelona is playing tiki-taka, other teams play more athletic styles. This team my coach spoke about is using a speedy type of playing, based on a lot of effort and very bold attitude. This concept does not fit to everyone, so there were players who wanted a transfer to a team which they felt more convenient. In addition, only the goal keeper has been a little star. The rest of the play is based on team effort and they are successful together. Actually, as wrote in another post, the coach has been the star.

To continue the parallel, you might get excellent employees in your team that simply don't fit. This is up to you to realize and react. People develop other skills, learn new topics and might even adhere to new ways of doing things. But this happens only when you know all very good. A good understanding of their needs and wishes gives you the chance to quickly react in turmoils, motivate them with right incentives and have a loyal team.

This giving and receiving game is also influenced, in sports, by the contract management. How soon the contract is extended, how is the salary increased or not. When a certain player is simply let to move to another team. Why excellent individuals are not allowed to be part of the team.

It's the same with the rest of the teams. All the team members are supposed to grow. This is an immediate benefit, but comes with the boomerang effect that a sustained growth will make him be promoted outside of your team. Think about this and prepare a replacement strategy. Give him the information that you are working to allow him move up, if the case. Build an open relationship, so you are able to get information and give targets in the same time.

About fluctuation, performance and team management, in the next Sunday article : Highway to performance.
PS:  I am giving lots of examples from the sports which use the ball, as these is easier to understand.

sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011

Chisinau din nou

28 Noiembrie
Saptamana viitoare voi fi din nou la Chisinau.
Astept sa cumpar coniac Kvint, bomboane Bucuria si sa mananc ciorba saleanca.

10 Decembrie:
am fost la Chisinau. Kvint, Bucuria, Soleanca - DA
Taximetristii ii bat de la distanta pe cei din Romania. Nu am reusit sa inteleg algoritmul de creare a pretului.
Interviurile - nu seamana inca cu ce stiu din Romania. Nu am inteles care a fost motivul, banuiesc ca lipsa noastra de comunicare si diferentele de cultura.

joi, 8 decembrie 2011

Sports and team management

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Yesterday I had the pleasure to meet my handball coach from the childhood. He is meanwhile very successful and built a great team in my hometown.
He spoke in one of our internal seminars about different moments in time when leadership and management were necessary to make things work.
I will come up with a new post about the things he said and some things I thought about after the discussion.

Stay tuned for Sunday article!

luni, 5 decembrie 2011

2 idei pentru a iti alege mai usor jobul

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1. Poti sa te imaginezi facand acest lucru si peste 5 ani?
2. Esti mai bun sau la fel de bun ca si media celor care activeaza pe acel segment?

sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011

2000 de vizualizari. MULTUMESC!

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Spre 5000...

vineri, 2 decembrie 2011

Cat de cronofag este emailul? 5 idei pentru minimizarea timpului petrecut cu emailul

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Am citit recent un articol despre faptul ca ATOS, ,are companie europeana de tehnologie, a schimbat focusul de la email la instant messaging si social media

M-a pus pe ganduri aceasta initiativa si apoi am evaluat cat timp petrec pentru verificarea emailului in fiecare zi. Si, da, e mult.
O sa listez mai jos cateva trucuri pe care am inceput sa le folosesc de curand, dar si altele pe care ar trebui sa le folosesc.
1. Nu mai activa notificarea imediata pentru emailuri.
2. Citeste emailurile dimineata, inainte de inceperea activitatii. Raspunde instant la cele care nu necesita mai mult de 60 de secunde.
3. Planifica doua sloturi de procesare a emailurilor in timpul zilei.
4. Daca folosesti o platforma de instant messaging, transeaza unele subiecte care necesita clarificari prin comunicare directa. Emailul este o comunicare asincrona.
5. Inchide clientul de email pe parcursul intalnirilor sau sedintelor.

Revin cu altele, pe masura ce ma voi convinge de eficacitatea lor.

despre programatori

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