duminică, 24 iunie 2012

Cele 21 de idei pentru cariera : IDEEA #6 : Oportunitati de dezvoltare

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Dupa 2009, pentru romani a devenit mai relevant sa faca economii. Forbes publica in ianuarie 2012 un articol care mentiona ca “Numărul românilor dispuşi să pună bani deoparte înainte de a se împrumuta s-a dublat în ultimul an”. “Pe de altă parte, 75% dintre intervievaţi sunt stresaţi de ideea de credit şi cam tot în aceeaşi proporţie „resping dorinţe imediate care implică costuri mari”, adică ceea ce mai demult rezolvau prin credite rapide.”
In cariera am observat un trend similar. Nu e la aceeasi magnitudine, dar “job-hopperi” sunt mai putini. Deschideri agresive de companii, de asemenea. Imi aduc aminte de Banca Millenium, una din ultimele banci care si-a creat o retea de sucursale. Cum au facut? Bineinteles ca au recrutat de la concurenta si au avut mai putin timp sa isi creeze intern un sistem de cariere care sa propulseze oameni in pozitii cheie. Este o presupunere, bineinteles, dar imi aduc aminte ca in 2007-2008 erau foarte activi in recrutare, probabil ofereau si pachete salariale interesante pentru cei care doreau un pic mai mult.
Intre timp, bancile au devenit un jucator normal pe piata muncii, iar fluctuatia de personal s-a domolit. Au fost probabil si ceva disponibilizari punctuale, targeturile au fost mai greu de atins, iar salariile mari mai greu de facut. Am aflat de cineva care a renuntat la un job in banca pentru a preda la liceu. In fine, e momentul pentru o concluzie: trendul este ca un job sa fie pastrat pentru ceva mai mult timp, iar o miscare de cariera este considerata si din alte perspective decat salariul lunar.
In 2006, am avut o discutie cu seful meu de pe atunci, un neamt nascut in Romania si care a facut cariera in Germania, despre modul de raportare al romanilor la salariu: “Cu romanii nu poti discuta despre venitul annual!”, imi spunea el atunci. In momentul in care trendul pietei era sa alergi dupa cel mai bun salariu, nu puteai gandi la mai mult de unul sau doi ani. Si atunci pachetul annual nu mai era relevant.
In plus, oportunitatile de dezvoltare personala erau si mai putin luate in considerare. Nu exista o intelepciune a comunitatii care sa arate ca e mai bine sa poti acumula si altceva decat o minima constructie financiara. Criza, care nu s-a sfarsit, ci a devenit un mod de viata, a schimbat putin perspectiva.
Siguranta jobului, o perspectiva de dezvoltare multianuala, un set de practici in favoarea personalului au inceput sa fie parte din criteriile in alegerea unui job.
Ce idei as urmari eu cand imi aleg urmatorul job?

Toate cele de mai sus sunt relevante ca si oportunitati de dezvoltare. Unele favorizeaza accesul la invatare (care pentru mine este esential pentru o cariera de 35-40 de ani), altele favorizeaza dezvoltarea in plan financiar (o plata mai buna, un pachet de beneficii mai interesant), iar altele pur si simplu favorizeaza dezvoltarea in plan strict personal (familie, hobby). Nu am pretentia ca am alcatuit o lista exhaustiva. E doar ce as face acum pentru o analiza, in cazul in care mi-as dori o schimbare. Cei care ma cunosc stiu ca am schimbat cateva joburi deja, am fost pus in fata unor alegeri de tipul "mai multi bani vs mai mult apropiere de familie". Ideile sunt relevante pentru mine, dar nu cred ca sunt asa de unic incat sa nu puteti sa le folositi.

Sa nu uit, as vrea sa mai dezvolt 7 propozitii pe subiectul invatare: daca reusiti sa va imaginati un plan de cariera, ori daca aveti un vis (ideea numarul #1), atunci nu uitati sa legati miscarile pe care le faceti de acel vis. E foarte usor sa fiti momiti de catre o noua firma care apare pe piata si plateste 45% in plus fata de cat castigati pe moment. Si va lasa fix in acelasi punct in calatoria voastra si dupa urmatorii 4 ani. Ori va propune o schimbare dramatica in cariera (de exemplu, ati inceput sa faceti un job de manager de 6-9 luni, va place si primiti o oferta pentru o pozitie de expert). Deci, evaluati daca urmatoarea miscare in cariera va aduce experienta relevanta pentru cariera pe care v-ati propus-o.
Investitiile in educatie si accessul la tehnologie sunt egal importante in alegerile voastre. Cursurile sunt scumpe si e foarte util sa aveti un partener in investitiile respective. Un angajator care investeste in educatia voastra formala si informala va poate aduce un plus financiar important in momentul in care va aflati la un punct de cotitura, sa zicem ceva in jurul a 45 de ani, cu aproape 20 de ani de experienta. In acel moment, "scoala" prin care ati trecut va poate aduce cele cateva puncte in plus pe care le visati pentru a obtine un job mai bun. De asemenea, programele de training va pot deschide ochii asupra unor oportunitati pe care nu le-ati intui altfel.

Ganditi-va. Analizati. Decideti!
Totul pentru a fi in poza de mai jos :
Copyright: picsquare.com

miercuri, 20 iunie 2012

Greu cu blogu' la deal

Am acus 10 luni de cand am inceput sa scriu sistematic pe blog.
In medie, am avut un post la 3-4 zile. Nu e mult, dar nici nu ma da inspiratia afara din casa cateodata, cum e pe caldura asta. Ma chinui sa imbrac cele cateva idei de la a 6-a idee pentru cariera de vreo 10 zile si nu iese mai mult de o propozitie pe zi.

Dati-mi o tema interesanta, poate ma deblochez...

marți, 12 iunie 2012

My Hero

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In antiteza cu Oajdea, care a luat 14% la Iasi gadiland la glanda sensibila pensionarii OTV-isti si somerii frustrati care asteapta pomana, Nicusor Dan a luat 9% la Bucuresti, cu mai multe voturi decat oameni care l-au vazut, dupa cum spune Tolo. A luat 70.000 de voturi, cat Nichita care mai are nevoie de timp, fara sa apara la televizor sau sa inaugureze vreun Palas dubios.

2 articole care imi dau speranta ca vor fi mai multi Nicusor Dan in Romania, care sa fie implicati in administratia publica:

Ziarul Financiar :
Mulțumim, Nicușor Dan!


duminică, 10 iunie 2012

Despre alegeri. Vreau un Nicusor Dan la Iasi.

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Au trecut si alegerile locale. Nu spun un secret cand afirm ca mi-am dorit o schimbare in Iasi.
Nu a fost sa fie. Nici nu au fost alternative. Pentru mine, candidatul ideal in alegerile locale a fost Nicusor Dan.
A luat 7-8% dupa exit poll, eu cred ca ar fi meritat macar 10%.
Dupa cum am aflat din presa, Nicusor Dan e un activist social, un tip fenomenal de destept (in clasa a 11-a era in lotul national de matematica) si o persoana care a renuntat la beneficii materiale pentru a lupta cu sistemul de de acordare a autorizatiilor de constructie. Nu il  cunosc decat din presa si mi-as dori o asemenea persoana la Iasi, contra-candidat pentru Gheorghe Nichita.

Deci, o asemenea persoana o consider vrednica pentru a fi administrator a unui oras mare. Nu intuiesc o motivare financiara, atat timp cat ar putea scoate cel putin dublu din cercetare, nu vad de ce as suspecta ca limita incapabilitatii ar fi atinsa curand cu atecendente intelectuale similare.

Mi-as dori sa vad si o alternativa pentru care sa imi misc curu' in ziua votului, fie ca e frig, fie ca ploua sau e o zi magnifica in care pot sa merg la iarba verde.

Inca mai sper, pentru ca 8% fara un aparat de partid in spate, ori interese speciale ca la Oprescu, e MAGNIFIC!

Cine-o fi urmatorul Nicusor Dan?

luni, 4 iunie 2012

[Team Velocity 5] Entry. Exit. Signs.

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Copyright: Symbolgraphics.com
Any decent highway has proper traffic signs for entry and exit points. This is not new wisdom, but it is somehow astonishing how big is the difference between the theory and practice when modeling teams as highways.

I strongly believe in two of the new management ideas: enable people to act and self organizing teams. I enjoy when I see teams who share this and it would be more likely to join on of them. For each of the individuals to join a team, there is the need of orientation. People who share same values, principles, who are alike would join together. At least, this is what Cialdini promises when explaining about the six principle of influence. They would be more likely interested to join such teams or organizations when the traffic signs convey the traffic to your team and the traffic outside the team is controlled in order to not generate disruptions. The egress from such constructions should obviously be smooth in order to keep the rest of the traffic at same speed.

Let’s take one by one.

Getting traffic to your highway.

Every highway is connected to the regular roads in a systematic manner. This is my hope. Assimilate the ingress with recruiting and attracting people in your organization. Think how your highway connects the current position of the team member and his destination. Destination is unique, with tons of possible roads. I don’t want to change your destination, my only goal is to make you my partner for the part of our journeys that match together.

Speak about what you value most, what are your most valuable experiences that you can share during the journey. Put there some ideas about what makes unique a journey on your highway. Be consistent in your public expressions. Your team member will follow you and they will replicate the wisdom around. Their journeys are sometimes running on normal roads (like personal projects, family things). These roads can convey other traffic, other journeys into your highway. It's a matter of values and interests. Consistent and genuine. You are not fooled by big words. Others, neither.

Restart past collaborations

The journeys are not the same for all. But the journeys can share parts of the routes. For a while, being part of your team is not relevant for one's route. Than, it might become relevant again. There might be improvement to your highway as well, there might be changes in the destination. Anyway, you share values and the connection is somewhat made. You can imagine a faster lane, a better road, nicer vehicles on the road or best buddies

You are not static

Once I heard a saying: "Don't be irreplaceable. Thus, you won’t be ever promoted." Every manager wants to be promoted at a certain moment in time. To make a lateral change to extend his experience. It is rarely the case to have the same position over 10 or 15 years. The highway might be other, but the administrator is the same. It's personal branding that brings in traffic and conveys routes to a certain highway. Some people like you better than others. Sympathy on one hand, coming from the others. Empathy, from you to the others. Close the circle.
It's not easy to restart collaborations. The leave and returning are governed by pride, by dreams, by perception, by sentiments. It's never black or white and no one is really right. In some extend, it's a little bit like in marriage. At least, these days when management is changing slightly its paradigms.

Reasons for separation

Try to understand why people are leaving your team. There are hundreds of possibilities and you need to understand where has been the turning point. The easiest approach is to consider that nothing could have been done. It might be the case, but you still can learn how to predict these situations and prepare emergency scenarios before looking how the team member is leaving.
Don’t be hard-hearted. People are not replaceable tools or resources. Approaching professional relationships like a relation with your car prevent you to learn. Communication is bi-directional. Don’t be like a radio, broadcasting but not receiving the feedback.

Learn and improve

Every event like this is a great chance to learn and to improve. Understand; assume mistakes in case you did some. Managers are not IronMan, with an invincible steel plate. It’s more what the free gift of feedback can bring to the development of the team. Sometimes it’s the lack of attention one got. Sometimes it’s the missing opportunity to grasp. Next time could be the type of activity some is enrolled. It’s never too late to learn something new.
Don't blame the "company". There are some humans behind. This way is just passing the guilt and refusing to accept real facts. Like the state, company does not exist by itself. People are running it and they are doing specific actions that might trigger discontentment. Passing the blame to system wont make system running better. This situation does not occur in small companies. There, people know each other and don’t use these big words.

Support the progress

Be ready to shift team members to another team. Highways, at least in bigger companies, should be interconnected. Make sure that your connection to other highways is optimum and gets also some traffic back. Make sure that the entrance is always to a good lane, to a nice highway. Build competences that are meaningful in the big picture, not only in your small ecosystem. As I said in the beginning, people spread the word and this can convey traffic to your highway. When you prepare the changes, you have two huge advantages: you control the moment when a change is done and people perceive you as partner in their journeys. Great things, both!

Communication of change

It’s natural that people leave teams. Be careful how you explain this. Don’t hide it. Don’t blame the guy who is leaving. Explain, as transparent as possible, the reasons and the context. Insist on context. If you are not an asshole, the context is important in such a change.  What is relevant for one might not be for another. When hiding the situation, people have the tendency to start making assumptions. Even when situation is not in your favor, you can turn into a positive fact by admitting a mistake and show the improvement plan.


Trust the one who are actually leaving the team. Their route is now changing. They can even contribute from outside with opinions, lobby or just to spread the word about what great things you accomplished together.  Showing trust, you just gained more respect from people working with you. They can expect this behavior more as they are with you. People are not static; you will meet them sometimes in the future. This is another idea to bear in mind.

Every day prepare the future and work hard that the present is the future you prepared yesterday.

Read also

Team velocity [1] - the idea
Team velocity [2] - the relation between the mission of the team and its velocity
Team velocity [3] - The entry points on the highway
Team velocity [4] - The exit points from the highway