I learned during the years that being part of a sports team in your youth brings a lot of advantages that I could not find summarized elsewhere.

First of all (no news, just old wisdom), you are a healthier person. Usually, having the training before 16 years gives more power, better muscles, better stamina that supports you during the complete lifetime. I expect that blood pressure, fat suppose to be in lower levels, not to mention the daily food habits.
The health I consider to be just the surface. On top of this you learn a lot of soft skills that can make you stand out of the crowd.
Self discipline
Sports without discipline is nothing. All coaches will push to have the discipline implemented in their teams. Performance is most of the times built on discipline. Even when speaking about average Joe, that could not made the step to great performance, he was trained to respect a certain schedule, to work hard and push his limits.
Team work
My article is basically triggered by the sports where you play with the ball. I cannot imagine a great team where you are allowed to play by yourself. Messi is a greater star in the team working environment imagined by Barcelona. Individuals are melted in the teamwork vessel, without melting their personality. Having this soft skill trained in your youth, you are better able to integrate in bigger teams, support others and defeat the hipercompetitivity deamon.
Decision making
Coming back to ball playing, you need to make decisions in quarters of seconds. Of course, you are not all the time in this position, there are certain tactics to be played, but the decisions are made on the field. Even tactics are chosen on the field, depending on your opponent's play. In training, you learn a lot about how to behave on the field (schemes, tricks). This is a resemblance to long term strategy. You have prepared several scenarios and you play by them, doing less preparation during the game.
1 comentarii:
Salutare Marius,
propunerea ta nu se potriveste cu subiectele pe care doresc sa le abordez.
Iti doresc succes in ceea ce doresti sa faci!
Gabi Manole
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